Love Beyond Walls: One Man's Modern Day March on Washington
I saw myself in the tapestry of Freedom Fighters and civil rights fighters. I felt like I was a part of that fabric – Terence Lester...

Janis Ware’s Mechanicsville Cityside Project Initiative aims to create homeownership opportunities f
Janis Ware is the consummate community housing guru. Her professional prowess has saved and changed the Mechanicsville community. “I...

Minister Louis Farrakhan: “All Politics are Local and Our Black elected officials are Corrupt” A Com
Minister Louis Farrakhan came to Atlanta for the 21st Day of Atonement speech and his presence was politically profound. This was a huge...

Meet the Millennial Vote
I am an old millennial, one who just barely squeezes into the age category. I graduated high school in 2000. My first presidential...

Savannah Rev. Chester Ellis Blasts Gov. Deal’s OSD Meeting of Black Pastors as a Bogus “Indiana Jone
Governor Nathan Deal is working hard to sell the Georgia electorate on voting in favor of OSD. That is the Opportunity School District...